So, just because you’re a humanpup, and your friends and close community welcome you with scritches and treats, doesn’t mean that everyone you meet will want to play with you as puppy. Not all hoomans are pet lovers and this relates to human pet play too. My eyes were opened when I tried to play a game of tug with my husband. We had a good discussion afterwards as I got angry that he wasn’t playing properly – this took me out of pupspace very quickly. But before I threw my tantrum, we had some fun – this pic below is me focused on my favourite chew toy!

To be fair, this wasn’t fair on him. I was missing my handler and needing to pup out. With hindsight, I should have done a proper negotiation discussion up front, giving him some warning on my play style and expectations. It’s a learning curve. The plan now is that when I’m missing my handler, we’ll do online play inbetween visits.