When I’m griping about something when Daddy’s around, one of two things will happen. Either it will end up being an interesting discussion or he will say to me ‘it seems to be a you issue’. And that is true. I have issues, I have issues about issues and tangents and roller coasters moving from, inbetween and around those issues. Once I’m made aware of this, it’s as if I suddenly sit my puppy-butt down and I can look at what I’m really dealing with.

I find that when faced with a challenge, I can get caught up in the stories circling in my head, which is why it’s so important to move into my body every so often just to get a different view of what’s really happening. I’ve started following my puppy philosophy of Wallow or Win – where I’m reminded that I have the choice to sit and whine or get up and do something. And honestly, I really prefer to do something and win the challenge.