He’s the best thing that’s happened to me and I’m the best thing that happened to him. It’s as simple as that. All the other intricacies are a little more complicated.
What happens after the anger has dissipated and we’re left with the debris of broken trust?
Does a wolfpup go crawling back with her tail between her legs, hoping to be welcomed warmly once more? Or does she disappear back into the wild.
Communication is never easy, even on a good day. We don’t only use words, there’s body language, tone, context and so much more that we don’t consider.

Emotion, especially anger, is most challenging to communicate through. It closes off the heart. We truly connect with our hearts. And keeping a heart open is Vulnerability, which opens doors to Fear and Shame. Anger is fueled by these to protect this wolfpup. At the same time, vulnerability also brings in Love. And a pup’s love is forever. I love Daddy, how can I not? Even if he is no longer mine, my heart continues to love him. That’s the best thing.