13, Apr 2021
Journal update 13Apr2021

Last night, Daddy and I had a heart to heart discussion. (Ive not been updating content that’s waiting). He asked me something important.
Am I still interested in being pup, to continue this journey with him? I hesitated before answering, which caught my attention. Why would I hesitate when the answer is a clear yes!?
Because this pup journey is that important to me. And Daddy, as my person and handler, guiding the pup adventures is an important part of this.
I hesitated because I’m scared.
This is unknown territory, I don’t know where pup is going, as I’ve begun to realise that I can’t pin this wolf pup down to any specific style or method, it’s opened up the potential for anything. The only reference I have is my gut instinct. And my handler to ensure that pup doesn’t cause too much trouble.