Have you heard this expression? It’s been with me as far as I can remember. The howling of a lonely doggo left behind is so heart torn and forlorn. And I want to howl with, coz I understand the sadness of the feeling of loss. I should probably be writing this in my journal but I also want to share these thoughts as it’s own post. It’s important.
Today I saw a beautiful photo post of a pup I follow on social. But I couldn’t bring myself to heart the photo. They had lost someone dear and important in life, so I could only reach out a paw to help remind they’re not alone.
As pup, I feel my emotions most intensely. It’s overwhelming to the point where your body must move with the emotion otherwise it breaks from the hurt. And this is for all range of emotions from joy to sadness.
**The feeling of loss is especially with us all at these times as what we cherish, value and feel close to our hearts are heightened by the fear of losing that. **
My puppy side has attached herself to the one and only who I choose to follow. Pup is so connected with Daddy that she pines after time of not seeing him and the fear of not seeing him again can be overwhelming.
As human we know that we can be lonely even though we’re not alone.
As puppy, I can’t remember that, so any little texts from Daddy has me bouncing. Until it goes quiet again.
Pup lives in the moment, literally. When in the moment with the one they hold dearest, it’s like being high with all the joy. And in that moment when they depart, the emptiness left behind from the burst of sunshine that has always been there to welcome you is silent shock.
This is true whether for a brief time or for longer times. Especially for passing over.
Gentle reminding that they are not alone is a good thing. This is something we all need. Give some time. Reach out with care and kindness if you can, to to those needing comfort.