I asked this question in my journal some time ago, and the quick answer from a pup point of view is:

Give me treats
Give me scritches
Let me run free
Call me good, praise me

Okay, now we got that out the way.

I’ve noticed how Daddy does certain things to help me when out in public, which in my heart identifies him as my handler:

  • He talks to me calmly when I become too excited
  • He has me identify what he’s looking at like a “I spy with my eye” game, keeps me engaged and present with him
  • He reminds me to ignore others when I start becoming anxious and to focus on him – breathing, feeling our environment with my senses- what I see, hear, smell, feel and taste
  • He gives me treats and checks on my water intake
  • He takes me on walkies, exploring our home town.
  • He is engaging, talking to me about almost anything
  • He is tactile and affectionate – keeping me grounded and feeling good about myself.

This is just some stuff that comes to mind from my experience and doesn’t only relate to our pup play but in our general interaction with each other. I know and feel that he cares for me in all ways- this makes me feel safe and welcomed in all ways.

And Daddy has shared his views too!

Some extra kibble for handlers to think about and also some simple decent positive reinforcement used by modern dog training methods.